Student Parliament

This page explains the duties and composition of the Student Council.


public documents of the StuRa (click here)

§ 16 Tasks

The StuRa decides on the basic affairs of the student body
including the statutes. In particular, it has the following tasks:

  1. election, dismissal and supervision of the members of the AStA,
  2. supervision of the student representatives,
  3. adoption of the regulations of the StuRa,
  4. adoption of the budget,
  5. consultation and passing of resolutions on the statutes of the student body.

§ 17 Composition of the Student Council

The StuRa shall be composed of members by virtue of office and elected members. The StuRa
shall include:

  1. by virtue of office, the student senate members as voting members,
  2. on the basis of elections, a further nine members with voting rights; elections are subject to § 9
    and the election regulations of the constituted student body shall apply to elections.
    1. simultaneous membership by more than one of the possibilities described in § 17 Para.
      possibilities is excluded.


Organization Statutes of the Constituted Student Body of Furtwangen University